Security is always very important in every domain, no matter if its some official documents or maybe a website!

That’s where our today’s article rotates around! Wordpress security plugins.
Wordpress plugins have made life easier. You just need to add up that plugin and start working in your respective domain.
Mostly, hackers inject malicious software on the website secretly.
A lot of malicious individuals are there to hack your personal information or rights from your account, personal computer or a well-running website.

Usually to secure your personal accounts or site we have a myth that we should have some strong coding background but no you are wrong!!
Wordpress is here to provide you ease in securing your website just by adding some plugins.
Why WordPress Security Plugin?
This question always pops up in our mind whenever we try something new or some new feature of anything.
Why this?
[elementor-template id="8247"]
So, basically a lot of malware actors and hackers are trying to hack your website and obviously, we know about hacker’s job.
WordPress security plugins are saving our website from malware attacks and hacking attempts.
Before discussing a long list of best WordPress security plugins first have a look at some points,

- Hackers just need access to personal data and they can hack data of you and your belongings.
- Hackers after hacking your website can publish irrelevant content or images and as you are the owner of the website you will be accountable for that.
- As soon as the hacker will hack your website, you will automatically lose access to your website.
- SEO is very important and if the hacker after hacking unpublish your website then it may cause you to lose your ranking as well.
Just like a Firewall which scans our PC from unauthorized access or scans every file whenever we insert a new external device.
WordPress security plugin does the same, scans every request that popped up before visiting the website.
Some technical security terms
Let’s learn about some technical terms of Word Press security plugins terms before seeing it in depth.
We mostly hear the word firewall when we talk about security plugins.
So, the firewall basically keeps your system or website safe from virus or malware request to penetrate in your website/pc.
Malware scanning:
Malware scanning means scanning all the requests that are raised by hackers which may disturb your website daily working or hack data.
Now let’s talk about the Wordpress Security plugin:
- Wordfence
- Itheme Security
- Sucuri
- WebARX
- Malcare
- VaultPress
- Antimalware security
- Jetpack
The phrase “ All in one “ would fit the best for WordFence.

Wordfence is one of the well-known security plugins in the world of Wordpress.
So, you must be thinking why it is so popular or everyone’s favorite? Obviously, it has some superb features!
- It has a Web application firewall
- It has a Malware Scanner
- A Developer can save money while signing up for multiple site keys
- You can have access to a lot of unique options to sign in with your phones.
- Update notifications.
- You will receive an email whenever you sign in or anybody.
- And most important limited logins like some unknown tries to log in it will limit the login criteria after 3 to 2 attempts.
- It will always force you to make a strong password i.e. a combination of numbers and alphabets.
Both the free and premium version contains the feature of a malware scanner.
It provides discounts offer for the developer who is signing up for the multiple site keys. Wow! What a deal.
This plugin will automatically scan for malware otherwise you can do it manually as well.
Amazingly, if any threat is detected it will let you know and will show instructions to fix it as well.
Itheme Security

iTheme security pro is another one in the list of WordPress security plugins.
iTheme is the same as previously discussed most popular but there is a difference it doesn’t provide firewall feature in it.
Otherwise, it is providing a malware scanning option.

Let’s discuss some features itheme is providing:
- Comparison option is provided which helps you in comparing your previous and new file added just in case it has some malware attached in it,
- It simply blocks the user who has tried to log in with more than 3 login attempts.
- Database backups.
- It’s pro version offers two-way authentications.
- Same as Wordfence it also forces the user to make a string password combination.
- It also updates your Wordpress salts and keys to add an additional layer of complexity to your authentication keys.
It offers a fine user interface with a lot of options discussed above.
It also comes with a whole heap features of security tweaks to strengthen your site.
There are different plans as well as if you want more security then you may upgrade your plan.
You can also activate 30 total security measures, making your experience more valuable.

Security is also a famous WordPress security plugin.
Security is one of the best WordPress security plugins being the stand-alone industry leader.
Most important is it provides clean up features if your word press site got infected or so.
Let’s discuss some key features sucuri is providing:
- It provides a variation of SSL certification without any additional charges.
- Advanced DDOS is also available.
- The notification feature is also there which keeps you updated if anything fishy occurred.
- It also saves your WordPress site from new exploits.
- They are also providing static content from their CDN servers.
- Their DNS level firewall provides tremendous and remarkable speed.
- They also offer free basic sucuri plugin.
CRM customer relationship management is also very important if you want to make your website is e-commerce one it should tackle customer instant problems on the spot.
This feature is provided by this plugin.
It also provides a security plugin auditing to see if that plugin is working good and providing enough security.
It also has
- File integrity monitoring
- Blacklist monitoring
- Security monitoring notifications
- Security Hardening
So, altogether sucuri is a must try with its remarkable features.

WebARX is also well known in the world of WordPress security plugins.
First of all, let’s put light on the words of a WebARX founder.
“There is a popular misconception where people think that hackers never target their website because the site is not popular or doesn’t hold anything valuable. This is wrong”
WebARX is new in the field of security plugins but still is working so well to maintain a good reputation.
They have come a long way, won the third position in the JIC STARCUBE COMPETITION.
In fact, its features are very near to sucuri.
WebARX came along with a professional look-alike interface.
WebARX also provides malware scanning for your website.
Let’s how it’s going to perform in the future.

Malcare is also a new security plugin but it provides a lot of facilities to its user.
Malcare provides complete comprehensive protection and security to its user to make their experience a better one.
Let’s discuss some key features of malcare:
- One-Click malware removal.
- Automatic daily malware scan.
- Powerful website firewall.
- Complete Website security management.
- Login protections.
- Site Hardening.
- Built-in secure backup.
- Early stage detection of malware threats.
Malcare is one of that security plugin that provides GDPR, especially for those users who really value their data.

VaultPress backup and security tools are now powered by JETPACK.
In VaultPress, you have to pay in order to use its functionality but don’t worry its starting price is only $39.
Their target audience is mostly small bloggers and businesses.
VaultPress is also a well-known security plugin in the world of security
You can also check out stats and manage your security from its very clean and beautiful dashboard.
Let’s discuss some key features of VaultPress:
- Its dashboard is really clean and easy to use.
- It supports both real-time and manual backups.
- Customer care is there as well, like you may ask Vaultp\Press experts to help you out.
- Its pricing strategies are also good compared to others.
Its real-time and manual backup is the most beautiful feature with a calendar view to specify the time.
Its security tools also scan the website for malware attacks.
Antimalware security

As it is indicated from its name yes! Its antimalware security plugin but before discussing the key features lets know what antimalware is?
Antimalware security is another name in the world of security plugins.
Its malware scanner allows you to easily scan your website’s files and folder for malicious threats.
Antimalware requires you to create a free account so that you may enjoy its premium features i.e. brute force preventions.
But still, as it’s new, they are working hard to improve their services.

Jetpack is a well-known name for those who are a frequent user of WordPress as jetpack is used by them mostly.
It’s just because of its extra features and good interface.
And the most important point is this plugin is made by WordPress own team.
Jetpack is made in such a way that,
- Strength social media
- Site speed
- Spa check
Its a good choice for those who want to save money and want to have a plugin with the best features in less amount.
Let’s discuss some features of jetpack:
- Plugin updates are managed fully by jetpack
- Downtime monitoring
- The premium plan shifts this plugin more into a suite giving backups and security check.
If you go with the free plan then it provides enough decent security check suitable much for a small blogging article.
Otherwise, the paid version of the jetpack is more strong with security.
All of us use the best plans for building up our website but always don’t give much attention to security and securing the data of the website.
Security plugin posses equal importance like other features used while building a website.
So, we hope this article is going to help you in choosing the optimal security plugin both free and premium packages.
Goodluck! 🙂
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