Strategies are very important if you are entering any new market. Entering the market without any strategy would result from you in a severe loss.
The rule of marketing is to plan a strategy first before implementing it on the target audience.
We all know the importance of all social site forums like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
And if you don’t have any strategy or your strategy is weak then you’ll have the guilt of not being capable enough to hit the market correctly.
Let’s talk about bloggers, if you think just adding a social media site link at the end of the description of your blog and run to the second task is a good strategy then you are wrong!
Before you are targetting your market through any of the above-discussed platforms make sure you are not doing any of the listed mistakes,

Let’s discuss the social media strategical mistakes one should never make:
Posting About Yourself:

This is the very major mistake blogger do. Let me explain it with an example.
Suppose you are meeting your friend and in the meeting, that person is just talking about yourself…
What impression you will have about that person? He is so self-obsessed, right?
Same happens if you are sharing about yourself every freaking detail and making your followers irritated by this.
Social media is all about being social and social doesn’t mean sharing just your content instead of this share about other’s content and posts as well…
This will not just increase your context but will also help you in making good relation with them.
Mix your content with others and not just share your own content! Take one step out of your boundary!
Hammering Market:

Continuously posting every day is not a bad strategy but posting after every single hour in a day makes your audience feel exhausted.
You should not post every hour on your social media site as this comes under hammering marketing and is the worst of its kind.
In social media, more is not always the ultimate goal!
Sometimes, you may also lose your followers and people also unfollow such accounts who post so frequently…
Not Indulging Any Tool:

Tools are there just to help you and make your work easy! I know manually doing things have less error but tools are made for the ease of people…
[elementor-template id="8247"]If you are not using any tool then sorry you are missing a really good opportunity. Tools help you a lot in scheduling your posts otherwise you have to fo the scheduling manually writing them up on notepads or maybe an alarm!
Facebook Tool:

The Facebook scheduler tool is free of use and helps you in scheduling your posts. Add a photo, link or any other status through this.
Then select the schedule button from the drop-down and simply enter the time you want your post to go live!
Easy isn’t it…
Twitter Tool:

For Twitter, a post planner is a tool which helps you in posting your old posts easily…
Just schedule them and then get them posted easily.
Pinterest Tool:

For Pinterest, there is a tool called tailwind is a tool which helps you in scheduling…
Not just this, they now also provide tribes means group through which you can meet other bloggers as well…
It is super easy to be used and makes it easy for you the scheduling of your posts.
Instagram Tool:

Later.com is an application that makes your scheduling easy, even they also allow you to add the link of your content on your profile…
So people can reach your content easily by your profile directly.
Using irrelevant images:

Images are always very attractive and the first thing a person’s eye-catch is the image even before the text.
Taking care of image size and quality is very important as all these social sites are playing with images and after that the content.
Here is a quick guide which may help you in image sizes:
Facebook: 1200600
Instagram: 800800
Pinterest: 2:3 ratio
Twitter: 1024*512
These are the ratio or criteria which you should meet in order to make your account look good and avoid image quality issues.
As if your image quality is not good although your content is to the point, people are not going to report it not they will share it due to poor quality.
Posting Criteria (Being Active):
Being socially active is really important and what people mostly do is they post so much on the day and after that not post anything in the coming five or six days!
That’s how you start losing your market..
You need to make sure that you have a clear strategy about when and post and what to post being consistent is really important.
Grammar Mistakes:

Grammar mistakes are not accepted I repeat again not accepted!!!
Doing grammar mistakes puts a negative impact on you on your followers. I know people do mistakes no one is perfect but there is a tool called Grammarly which helps you in this.
Tools are made for our ease and there is no shame in using grammar checking tools before publishing your content.
Sharing Wrong Content:

You should be determined and have a clear idea of what exactly your domain is…
Suppose you have an account about fitness and you share posts about food then that’s totally irrelevant and you are making your audience confused!!
Be precise and stay in your domain. Only share relevant content that is not contradictory to your actual topic.
Giving No Credits:
This is also a major mistake people do and that’s not giving references or credit to people if you are copying someone else posts…
Always give credits to others even if you are copying a single line, this will put a positive image in the mind of your followers and even that person you are copying as well.
Never ever upload any photo or video without the permission of the third party…
Re-post issues are very common on Instagram.
No Social Sharing Button:
There should be a social sharing button in your posts as we are talking about social media and it’s all about sharing and gathering maximum audiences.
This can be only done when you re-post and share a lot. You social media posts should always have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest sharing button.
So, guys, that’s how we roll it! Super simple and you’ll literally enjoy following these strategies and it would be more fun when they’ll start resulting…
Good luck! I hope you will avoid doing such mistakes in your future posts.

Elizabeth Elkassih
Loved reading this blog with all his information. Greatly appreciated.
Donnya Negera
This is so important !! Going to share because a huge blogging mistake is indulging in self. Thanks for the tips!
Wow! This post is a goldmine for bloggers! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Saving it for future reference.
Nadia Malik
Love the fact that you have shared the free tools for all social mediums. Blogging world is taken over with all these paid tools that people do not even realize that there are free options too. Most of them work great as well. Great information.