Pinterest is one of the leading social platforms these days used widely by all age groups including high school students, stay at home moms, bloggers and much more. It has some different strategies and tools through which you can generate traffic, one of its terms is Rich Pins.
Our today’s article would be based on Rich Pins and it’s important for any blogger or business account. If you are new to Pinterest, you must have heard of Rich pins as they are so trending these days.
Let me first explain what exactly Rich Pins are:
Rich Pins:
“Rich pins are not some wealthy pins Lol they are simple pins with some additional information or link prior to the casual pins. It actually highlights the information in a deeper way, making your pin more relevant to your pinners”
There are four categories of rich pins:
- Product Pin
- App Pin
- Recipe Pin
- Article Pin
Product pin:
Product pin itself makes shopping easy for their customers providing a direct link to order and pricing details.

App Pin:
App pins make the download of that application easy as they are providing a download button with the pin making it easy for the pinners to download that particular pin.
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Recipe Pin:
Recipe pins provide information of food recipe and with that, they also show a direct link to that recipe tutorial if available with ingredients, serving sizes, etc.

Article Pin:
Article pins are helpful for pinners to save stories which are of their interest. These pins show headlines, story description, and author details.

Place Pins:
As indicated from the name, these pins tell the pinners about different places and make it easy for them to get information about that place.
Phone number, address and nearby place everything is mentioned.

Movie Pins:
Movie pins tell about movie cast and even sometimes they also give details about movie ratings making the selection of movie easy for pinners.
So, these were some different types of rich pins you will mostly see in pins on Pinterest.
Now, arises the question of why to use these rich pins? Weren’t the normal pins enough?
Let me clear this point in the following section …

Increase in sales:
Rich pins help a lot in increasing your sales as well. More traffic, more email notifications about price drops and much more….
Suppose your product was pinned by 800+ followers and you dropped by price by 20%, just imagine the notifications your potential customers will get about this price drop.
Boost up your traffic:
Every user of Pinterest who is using that platform to market his product wants to boost up his target audience.
For this, he comes up with different strategies one of that is rich pins!
In normal pins, we don’t add additional links or information but rich pins gives a lot of privileges to the pinners boosting up the target audience.
For example, if you saw a simple pin about a casual pen there is nothing so fancy in that but if we put the Rich pin in it like, product pins adding some additional information i.e price, color, and quality.
This will definitely catch the attention of the pinners and he/she will at least once visit the website to check that pin right out!

Additional Information:
The major difference between normal and rich pins are they are providing additional information about that product, article, recipe or application.
This is actually very important to make a difference from others and to manage a good position amongst other pinners.
The more relevant and full of knowledge your pin is the more people are going to be attracted towards your pin!
Actually, rich pins are also very good in alerting Lol!
Let me explain this, rich pins are really good as they are allowing to add pricing information in pins as most prices are not mentioned directly on the pin.

Pinterest shoots an alert to all the people who have pinned your post if you give any discount or so!
So, they are actually helping you in increasing your market as well! And easy alerting.
Automatic updates:
The best part of Pinterest is, whenever you will make any changes in your pinned post, for example, the price or maybe any discount, this information will be added automatically on your pin.
No need to do it manually.
Free price alerts:
This is one of the best features of Pinterest because if you decrease or increase the price of your product, that updates information would be sent directly to all the potential customers.
You don’t have to do it manually and the best part is this is all done for free.
Where to place Rich Pins?
Rich pins can be placed in the description your pin at the right corner. They are enabled easily by some steps after that they are placed automatically in your pin.
You just have to make the choice, which type of Rich pin you want in your post.
How to get rich pins?
Previously, I have discussed whys and types of rich pins but now comes the question How?
The three ways to get rich pins in your Pinterest account are:
So, now in this section let’s discuss how we are going to get rich pins,
- Add metadata
- Validation
- Create a compelling title and description
It’s really important to check that the right pin is there with the right content as if any mistake is done here, you are going to suffer a lot.
I would recommend Yoast SEO plugin as they have some superb features in their normal package and SEO are very helpful in generating traffic and letting you know if your pin is being delivered to the right people.

Even the setting for this is also very easy, go-to SEO>social>facebook and from there enable that box which says, always add metadata.
After this, the code is directly added to your posts making your work easy. That’s it your blog posts are now ready to display rich pins.
Now arises the question, how you are going to enable rich pins of different types on your pinned post?
I am answering this question giving reference to an example,
Suppose you want to add recipe pin in your post as they are very providing additional information about that recipe
For that purpose, you need to add the recipe card plugin. Good quality rich pins are hard to find and these pins are now no longer updated.
Validation is always important in any field!
Before making your post live, always validate your content or pin at least once to make sure everything is in their right place.

Same goes for rich pins, copy the URL of your post and open the rich pin validator paste that URL and validate your pin to avoid any mistakes.
After this, you may see a pop-up which will display some HTML tags and your website’s domain. Just click on apply now and you are done!
Wait for confirmation:
It takes 10-15 days for Pinterest to confirm your settings and send you the notification that your website is done and rich pins are live!
Sometimes it is validated quickly, otherwise, Pinterest will show this message
“We’ll review it and email you with any questions or next steps”
Create a compelling description and title for each pin:
Now that you are done with the previous 2 steps, that means you have installed Rich pins they second task is to utilize them.
The description that is displayed in your article Rich pin, is controlled by the copy you have written on your metadata. Don’t leave your metadata blank otherwise, it will just show the first lines of your article.
Take advantage of this, by adding a compelling description to every post and for that, the simple formulae are to add simple keywords.
In WordPress, it’s really easy to add the links and extra information due to the additional features but for bloggers who are unaware of coding have to hardcode it.
You have to do a lot of work to add up rich pins as it’s not easy here for bloggers!
Then and there;
Are you using Rich pins in your posts? Do you like them? You can share your thoughts about it in the comment section.
I hope this article will enhance your information about rich pins and you will definitely have some idea about what exactly rich pins are and why they are so important…

Such an important step. Great information!
Thank you very much for providing this information. I an very interested in this topic and you provided much needed explanation and clarification.